Friday, January 30, 2009


Your biggest and most valuable tool to never getting offended or upset can easily be summed up into one word: understanding. Only through understanding can you acquire empathy for another. You truly get an idea of why people do the things they do and react the way they react, and in doing so you can save yourself from unnecessary anger or even a bad judgment call!

Understanding can easily be achieved by simply putting yourself in another’s shoes, seeing the world through their eyes, getting in their heads and knowing (or even imagining) what they’ve been through to get them to where they are now. Some basic knowledge of psychology would be a valuable asset in achieving this, but not absolutely necessary. If you get a chance, do yourself a favor and take out a book or two on human behavior. If not, you can learn from being observant, asking questions, and just being your own researcher.

Most of people’s behavioral problems can be linked back to parenting issues. Studies have shown that the first 6 years of a child’s life are the most crucial in their development and if they don’t receive everything they require nutritionally, emotionally and educationally (and no I don’t just mean academically), then they will have a very difficult time overcoming life’s challenges. Not to mention children usually inherit the bad habits, view points and even health problems from their parents, and it’s not always the easiest thing to break free from those cycles.

So next time someone does something that would trigger anger in you, stop and put yourself in their place. Have some compassion. Ask yourself the “whys” and you will most likely inspire pity for them rather than anger, which will enable you to deal with the issue rationally and without escalation. Why pity? Because most of the time the guilty party just doesn’t know any better. They didn’t have the same experiences that you have had to bring you to where you are.

Remember, if humans seem to be the source of your problems, then learn what makes them tick. The same can be applied to any aspect of your life! Unless of course you’re happy in your own misery…well in that case, what are you even doing here?