Sunday, September 14, 2008

Changing Your Views, Habits And Patterns

**I wanted to post this although I'm still in the process of finishing the second part of the Anger Management post which should be available sometime this week.**

This topic is concerning people's general view on life, how we process things and what we pay attention to day to day. The problem being most people give their attention to the wrong things in life, and as you may know, the more attention you give to something the more power you give to it, and the more predominant it becomes in your life! So, for someone who focuses mainly only on the negatives in life, that person can (and will) probably only see those negative things around them and also 'coincidentally' have more negative things occur. Quantum Physics has shown that our internal emotions, thoughts and intents can have a big impact on our environments and surroundings, but I will get into that in more detail in a future post.

I'd like to keep things as simple as possible for now though: Whatever you decide to divide your time and energy to, the more impact it will have in your life. Whether we're talking about a person in your life, your job, an addiction, a thought pattern, etc, it can and will consume you. Now this doesn't necessarily mean you should ignore the things that bother you or cause negative energy in your life, but rather to be aware (and in control) of them and take proper actions if necessary. Sometimes a simple solution can be to distract yourself from a negative thought pattern just long enough to 'break' the cycle and habits of your unproductive repetitions.

A female friend I know tends to pay extra attention to the people around her, but more specifically to their physical appearances, and fashion choices. This causes her to both be very judgmental (even just in a joking sense) and also makes her very self conscious in comparing herself (and her insecurities) to those she may find in better physical form than herself. You can see how this can be a set back in both personal development and self confidence; placing too much importance on something (which in the larger scheme of things) doesn't really matter all that much, even though at that moment, it may matter to her. Of course, everyone has the right to think what they will and have their own opinions, but if it in turn has a negative effect on you personally and your outlook on life then is it really worth it to be thinking it at all? How does it allow you to improve yourself and move forward?

A superstitious person will always have bad things occur if they don't follow the superstitious 'guidelines' they believe in because of both their strong belief in them and the fact that they are looking for them to occur. Same as those that see a particular set of numbers or patterns reappearing everywhere they look. If you're looking for it, you will see it everywhere. That being said, how much good or beauty do you see around you each day? You must find how this may apply to your life, maybe habits that you wish to overcome, or someone you wish to spend less time with (but can't seem to remove yourself from), or a particular way of thinking that is detrimental to your overall happiness. Avoid and distract yourself from digressive patterns long enough so that biologically your chemical dependencies change, and it will make it easier to overcome. I will explain further about the biological dependencies emotions and habits can create within us in a future post as well.

In the meantime, stay positive. Don't just try and stay positive, because then you will be conscious of your trying to do so. Just be the person you wish to be, imagine everything about that person and then become them. Remember too to look out for the little things that matter most , the people, and moments that make life beautiful, and focus on the things you're most grateful for. The less time you spend worrying or paying attention to the things that don't really matter, the better off you will be, and the more energy you can focus on the things that give life meaning.

Find your purpose

Thank you for reading.

-The Friendly Individual


Unknown said...

beautiful. thank u for the read.
